If Disney is thinking about a live-action Frozen movie, it turns out they've already got someone desperate to play Elsa: Furiosa

Disney isn’t making a live-action Frozen, but if it does, it’ll just need to give Anya Taylor-Joy a quick call it seems.A live-action Frozen movie feels like an inevitability, doesn’t it? It’s not like Disney is against doing it for their newer films, it’s doing one for Moana which came out after Frozen, so you have to wonder why the house of mouse hasn’t sought after an adaptation of its mega-hit. My best guess is that it wouldn’t sell toys quite as well as the animated original, but it could be for a sillier reason, Disney makes plenty of baffling choices after all. Still, it won’t have to look very hard when it comes to casting Elsa if it does end up making one, as Furiosa star and Princess Peach herself Anyway Taylor Joy has put her hat in the ring (even if she’s currently not up again…

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